How I once became an involuntarily campain aide.


How I once met twenty amazing young Europeans.

As a child, have you ever been waiting for Christmas very much because you wanted a certain gift you wished for really badly? And than, when Christmas came you did not get what you wanted but something your parents considered more useful? And than again, have you ever grown to like the other present way more then whatever shiny thing you wanted to have?

Well, I was this child a few days ago in Rome.

When I won the EFS competition I was very excited about the chance to interview Mister Schulz. If at all, I wasted very little thoughts on the other participants of the event. When I thought about the interview before going to Rome I imagined it more or less to be like the interviews I had in Brussels a year ago. Just that this time I’d be more knowledgeable and it would be live in the internet and on TV, so no more vague politician-talk!
What an illusion… Continue reading

Livestream zum Interview mit Martin Schulz

Ihr Lieben,

nur eine kurze Nachricht aus Rom: Wer möchte kann morgen um 17 Uhr das Interview mit Martin Schulz live verfolgen. Einfach nur einmal hier klicken und los gehts. Ich freu mich schon sehr!

You can follow the Interview with Martin Schulz tomorrow at 5 pm live. Just click here and enjoy the show 🙂

A vision for Europe?

Coming back from a year of traveling and sorting out all my thoughts was and is rather hard. How to put everything I have learned and seen in a few words? I have so many different texts and ideas but the difficulty is to bring them all together and make them readable.So, while I was still struggeling my dear aunt posted a competition on my facebook wall. A German foundation was asking for the youth’s vision of Europe in 2030. One should imagine to be the president of the European Commission in 2030 and give a new years speech to the people of Europe. The winner would get a trip to Rome and an interview with the president of the European Parliament Martin Schulz.

I realized that this could be the summary I was looking for. But the deadline was in just two days!! Finally, after quite a long time without too many words written, I had a challenge and I managed to hand in my speech just a few minutes before midnight at the closing date.

Surprisingly enough, I really won the competition! On February 27 I’ll go to Rome for a few days, enjoy the city and of course have an interview with Martin Schulz. I’m beyond happy about this oppertunity. More or less exactly one year ago I was in Brussels doing interviews with politicians. Now I can not just confront myself and a politician with my results but it also feels like an oppertunity to see how much I grew. I’m looking foreward to see if I feel different in the interview today than I felt one year ago.

But enough of this. Now I want to share my speech with you. I’m most happy about any comments, thoughts or critics on it. Also you are welcome to post any suggestions for questions to Martin Schulz.

Thank you for being with me all this time!

DSCF3361A picture I’ve been taking one year ago in Brussels

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